Tomorrow night is the Season 3 Draft! There is a lot of hype around this season’s edition of the Pro League Draft as teams and fans wait in anticipation for 7 PM Central tomorrow evening. If you are just catching up, we’ve got all the big items to keep you in the loop.
First, here is a list of players in tomorrow’s draft:
Player | POS | School |
Doug Day | QB | Alabama |
Joe Idol | WR | Alabama |
Zach Stone | WR | Alabama |
Tyrone Young | WR | Alabama |
William Huddleston | DT | Alabama |
David Walshak III | WR | Auburn |
Joey Cash | TE | Auburn |
Berto DeMoura | DE | Auburn |
Tyler Garbers | DT | Auburn |
Stephen Scheid | DT | Auburn |
Chris Black | MLB | Auburn |
Michael Brockman | MLB | Auburn |
Sean Flowerday | CB | Auburn |
Layrd Olliff | CB | Auburn |
Killian O’Doul | K | Auburn |
Wayne Finnegan | CB | Boise State |
Ryan Garner | CB | Boise State |
Elan Olliff | WR | Clemson |
Dan Norris | DE | Clemson |
Steve McArthur | OLB | Clemson |
Will Stephens | CB | Clemson |
River Madison | SS | Clemson |
Ronnie Blevins | QB | Florida |
Doc Smith | HB | Florida |
Mason Lanning | CB | Florida |
Haden Pettijohn | TE | Florida State |
James Bayse | TE | Florida State |
Darnell Jefferson | OLB | Florida State |
Lyle Fletcher | QB | Iowa |
Tanarius Harris | HB | Iowa |
Lavonte Griffin | WR | Iowa |
Elijah Frazee | WR | Iowa |
Chris Lee | K | Iowa |
Trey Stover | WR | LSU |
Caleb Shepherd | DE | LSU |
Dillon LeBlanc | DT | LSU |
Aaron Whitten | CB | LSU |
Royce Anderson Jr | CB | LSU |
Derrick Freeman | SS | LSU |
Anthony Stover | SS | LSU |
David Anderson Jr | CB | Miami |
Hunter Watson | FS | Miami |
Zeus Thomas | WR | Miami |
Kayce Alexander | HB | Michigan |
Tyler Gremillion | WR | Michigan |
Jackson Davenport | TE | Michigan |
Adonis Drakos | DE | Michigan |
Freddy Tramel Jr | MLB | Michigan |
Aaron Heil | MLB | Michigan |
Mickey McGuire | OLB | Michigan |
Trey Woodson | CB | Michigan |
Derrick Russell | CB | Michigan |
Magnus Magnolia | SS | Michigan |
Matthew Hatchell | K | Michigan |
Kevin Marshall | WR | Missouri |
Matt Billins | WR | Missouri |
Sean Moore Jr | MLB | Missouri |
Jon Rolon | MLB | Missouri |
Mike Thompson | FS | Missouri |
Courtney Harris | QB | Nebraska |
Ezekiel Williams | WR | Nebraska |
Drake Babineau | WR | Nebraska |
Gary Kehn | TE | Nebraska |
Michael Rury | MLB | Nebraska |
Michael Potter | CB | Nebraska |
Cedric Boomer | K | Nebraska |
Jacorey Henderson | WR | Notre Dame |
Cameron Wolf | DE | Notre Dame |
CJ Freeman | DT | Notre Dame |
Teddy Tate | MLB | Notre Dame |
Sidney Banks Jr | CB | Notre Dame |
Jalen Watts | CB | Notre Dame |
Blakely Radloff | TE | Ohio State |
Matthew Prestage | CB | Ohio State |
Jabrill Thomas | FS | Ohio State |
Thomas Welch | HB | Oklahoma |
Andrew Jordan | WR | Oklahoma |
Ethan Martin | WR | Oklahoma State |
Rip Tuttle | WR | Oklahoma State |
Dylan Smith | WR | Oklahoma State |
Michael Powell | MLB | Oklahoma State |
Zac Holldorf | FS | Oklahoma State |
Brandon Novak | TE | Oregon |
Bradford Dexter | OLB | Oregon |
Puma Longtree | CB | Oregon |
David Ritta | CB | Oregon |
Clayton Denny | QB | South Carolina |
Arian Adams | SS | South Carolina |
Connal Thrace | HB | Tennessee |
Tyler Matthews | WR | Tennessee |
Reese Elliott | WR | Tennessee |
Shawn McLaren | WR | Tennessee |
Vincent McCoy | WR | Texas |
Hollywood Mason | WR | Texas |
Oliver Kabat | TE | Texas |
Stewie Peterson | MLB | Texas |
Koby Harrison | CB | Texas |
Silas Meissner | FS | Texas |
Nick Scalabrino | SS | Texas |
Manuel Silva | HB | Texas A&M |
Buck Malone | DT | Texas A&M |
Allie Peters | MLB | Texas A&M |
Ty Linker | OLB | Texas A&M |
Thiago Aldo | K | Texas A&M |
Eric Tyner | WR | USC |
Dion Hawkins | HB | Washington |
DeAndre Tyrell | WR | Washington |
Mathias Eby | CB | Washington |
Trey White | CB | Washington |
Nathan Murphy | DE | West Virginia |
Logan Legg | K | West Virginia |
Daniel Banaszewski | WR | Wisconsin |
Joshua Scheuren | WR | Wisconsin |
Roderick Boston | OLB | Wisconsin |
That is 114 players in total looking to get their name called tomorrow night, including some all time greats from the CFSL. Notably, there are 5 QBs entered into this season’s draft, and many are curious to see where they’ll go.
Secondly, this is the draft order for the first round. Note that teams have until Noon CST tomorrow to finish trades including Season 3 picks, so this may be subject to change before tomorrow night.
4 | NY JETS |
6 | NY JETS |
11 | DALLAS |
12 | GREEN BAY |
There are 5 regular rounds as usual each year, and new this season, 2 supplemental rounds have been added for teams to fill active players. Teams can trade their picks in the first 5 rounds, but supplemental picks cannot be traded. In total, there will be 84 picks tomorrow night. Tune in at 7 PM to watch the CFSL legends find out where they’ll go next in their careers!