The Pro League

Continue your CFSL collegiate career by getting drafted by one of our Pro League teams. Make a name for yourself, become a star and create your legacy.


Create your player

Begin your career in college and become a star on campus. Then enter the draft and take your career to the next level!

Get started! →

Learn more

We have a robust FAQ to answer all of your questions from creating your player to qualifying for the playoffs. If you've got a question, we've got answers!

Read the FAQ →

Follow your career

Watch every play of your career unfold on YouTube. Never miss a big juke, spin, hurdle, big hit or touchdown!

Watch on YouTube →

Play the odds

Wager virtual currency on your team, your player or any game from around the league. You can win free prizes and upgrades and prove you can take down Vegas!

Visit the sportsbook →

Playoff Picture

Full Standings


All upgrades are non-refundable. Please check with your General Manager if you are unsure about a specific pack or upgrade. Dismiss